The X-Philes (2nd Revision)
The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso
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Text File
727 lines
83trash.zip Ways to trash your school
aa-death.zip Witchcraft: Death spells
aa-fwork.zip How to fuck up work, part 1
aa-hoods.zip Manipulation:Hoods vs vandals
aa-notta.zip We are not going to take it
ab2.zip Ansi bombs ii: tips and techniques
abcpp.zip The abc's of pay phones (1982-1985)
abolwork.zip Why all WORK should be abolished
accused.zip What you should know if you are accused of crime!
address.zip Greyarea Address List - How to buy grey-area items
airptfun.zip An anarchists guide to: Airports
alarm.zip Phun with alarms
alcohol.zip How to make Alcohol
amish.zip Have you kicked an Amish Today?
anacook2.zip Lots of anarch stuff
anar.zip Anarchy Today #1
anarch.zip Manual of the anarchists VOL I
anarchfp.zip Anarchy Inc. takes Fort Point
anarchy.zip Ways to sabotage your school
anarchy1.zip Lots of anarchy stuff
anarchy3.zip Lots of anarchy stuff
anarchy4.zip Lots of anarchy stuff
anarchy5.zip Lots of anarchy stuff
anarkist.zip Info about the Anarchist Unconvention
anarkunc.zip Info about the Anarchist Unconvention
animals.zip Frame someone using SPCA, press/cops
annoying.zip How not to Make Friends & Annoy People
anrky00.zip The anarchy files II - petty anarchy
anrky06.zip How to break in to a house
anrky07.zip About jackpotting
antigvt1.zip Antistatism: An eye for an eye
anyone.zip How to get anything on anyone
ararch.zip Manual of the Anarchist Vol 1
archy6.zip Jackpotting , what is it?
ashortfi.zip A short file on the FBI
asocial.zip Handbok till ett asocialt liv
assembly.zip Twenty ways to disrupt school assemblies
atheft.zip Auto Theft, a practical approach
autotell.zip Fun with automatic tellers
avoidcap.zip To the urban warrior... Survive!
badinfln.zip Lessons in lawbreaking.
bakunin.zip Immorality of the state
balistic.zip BIC (lighter) Ballistics
bees.zip How to have phun with bees, etc
bensin.zip Lite info om Svenska bensinautomater
billbrd.zip Have phun with billboards
bilstold.zip Steal a car, hacking etc..
blckjack.zip How to win at blackjack
blinkie.zip Houston Blinkie Letter
blowdart.zip Blow darts
board.zip How to crash some Apple II boards
booktake.zip How to beat the library
boosh.zip Be your own Saddam Hussein..
bored.zip Things do do while downloading
brainbox.zip Addresses to brainbox manufactures
breakin.zip Breaking into Houses
bugdance.zip How to make bugs breakdance
bwash.zip Brainwashing Techniques being used on the public today
c01.zip The anarchists guide to the black arts pt.1
c02.zip The anarchists guide to the black arts pt.2
c03.zip The anarchists guide to the black arts pt.3
c04.zip The anarchists guide to the black arts pt.4
c05.zip The anarchists guide to the black arts pt.5
c64fun1.zip Phun with someone else's C64!
calcskoj.zip Kul med din polares FX/180 räknare
candy.zip How to break into candy and vending machines easy!
candyfun.zip Candy Fun - Disgusting candy phun
catalog.zip List of phun publications to buy
catalogs.zip A few useful catalogs
cbradio.zip Getting even with CB Radio freaks
cdtapefr.zip How to get CD's and Tape's for free
cgw.zip Computer gaming world & government abuse
chaos.zip The Anarchist's guide to black arts
cheat.zip How to cheat at school tests
china-2_.zip China educational infofile series ii, # 3
cia.zip CIA book #1 of dirty tricks
civildis.zip Civil disobedience, an essay
civilpap.zip Civil disobedience
civwar.zip The anarchists guide to civil warfare and sabotage
clearnit.zip What to do on a clear summer night
cocots40.zip Renegade Legion technical report #2
coin.zip Coinslippers
cokemach.zip How to rip off coke machines and make money
cook3.zip Jolly Roger's Cookbook v3 May 1991
cookbook.zip The book of the unlawfuls
coopaids.zip How AIDS is man made
copcode.zip Police-radio codes i San-Francisco
coptalk.zip Don't talk to cops
cotno01.zip CoTNo - Underground Zine.
cotno02.zip Cotno - underground zine.
cotno03.zip CoTNo - Underground Zine.
covspect.zip Pirate and secret broadcasting
crankinc.zip Having phun making crank fone calls
crime.zip Definition of crime
crimnet1.zip CrimeNet I: Breaking In
crimnet2.zip Crimenet II: more on breaking in
crocker.zip Central planning vs. individual liberty
cuttclas.zip Cutting class part 1, fake sickness
dcmrifle.zip How to get an M1 Garnad
des1.zip General Destruction vol 1
desp3058.zip Desperado #3058, weird magazine
deton.zip Everything you wanted to know about detonators
dfp-1_1.zip Digital free press, vol 1 , issue #1
dfp-1_2.zip Digital free press, vol 1 , issue #2
dfp-1_3.zip Digital free press, vol 1 , issue #3
dfp-1_4.zip Digital free press, vol 1 , issue #4
dfp-1_5.zip Digital free press, vol 1 , issue #5
dnav1i1.zip DnA 1.01 (04-May-93)
dnav1i2.zip Dna volume I - issue #2 memorial day, 1993
dnav1i3.zip Dna volume I - issue #3 (in)dependence day, 1993
dnav1i4.zip Dna volume I - issue #4 labor day, 1993
downtown.zip Downtown Chaos
drivefun.zip Driving fun I
driving.zip Driving techniques for escape and evasion
drvthru.zip How to really have fun with drive-thrus
dryice.zip Step by step guide to making an dry ice gun
dumbneig.zip Fun things to do with stupid neighbors
electerr.zip Electronic terrorism
elektri.zip Elektrix #1, h/p/a/pyro magazine
evasiv.zip Sneaking on somebody
expman2.zip Tear Gas
extreme.zip Extreme books catalog
fakeid10.zip FakeID for CorelDraw
fbifiles.zip How to get your FBI file
fbistoog.zip Excerpts from an interview with Frank V, former FBI informer
fbi_1.zip Freakers Bureau Incorporated, #1
fbi_mail.zip FBI opens teenagers mail
fccknock.zip What to do when the FCC knocks on your door
feds.zip Watching the feds who are watching you!
flamers.zip Flamers by PrimoPyro
flamethr.zip Flame throwers
flamethw.zip Building a flamethrower
foia.zip What to do when faced with the cops
frdm01.zip Freedom newsletter, Issue 1
frdm02.zip Freedom newsletter, Issue 2
freebage.zip Freebage - a beginners guide to bernsteining
freebase.zip Freebasing Television, #1, H/P/C magazine
freemail.zip How to send free mail
freenews.zip Steal newspapers from newspaper vending machines
freetix.zip How to get free airline tickets
fuckvol1.zip FUCK vol 1, rev 2.24 by Anarchy inc.
fun.zip Lots of anarchy stuff
funeral.zip Ways to be offensive at a funeral
funlocu.zip Fun with locusts
funmail.zip Fun with mailboxes
gameman.zip How to cheat videogame coinboxes
garage.zip Garage door opener hacker plans
ge1.zip Get Even #1
ge2.zip Get Even #2
ge3.zip Get Even #3
ge4.zip Get Even #4
ge5.zip Get Even #5
ge6.zip Get Even #6
ge7.zip Get Even #7
ge8.zip Get Even #8
ge9.zip Get Even #9
geindex.zip Getting even index
geteven.zip How to Get Even by Hayduke
geteven1.zip Getting even #1
geteven2.zip Getting even #2
geteven3.zip Getting even #3
geteven4.zip Getting even #4
geteven5.zip Getting even #5
geteven9.zip Getting even #9
getother.zip Getting others to commit suicide
getsick.zip A new way to make yourself sick
golfcart.zip Golf cart fun
guellia.zip Guerilla Warfare and its uses in society
gueril.zip Ocr: psychological operations in guerilla warfare (cia)
guerilla.zip Guerrilla warfare handbook
gunfact.zip All you need to know about guns
gwen.zip How the US is preparing for nuclear war
hackcabl.zip The Hackers guide to Cable TV
hacklib.zip How to phuck with the public library
harass1.zip Techniques of Harassment #1
harass2.zip Techniques of Harassment #2
harass4.zip Techniques of Harassment #4
harassmt.zip Techniques of Harassment
harmles.zip Harmless Terror
harrass.zip Techniques of harassment: Underdog justice
howpep.zip You can be a peeping tom without being caught
hpd6.zip The Hardplains Drifter issue 6
hyd.zip The homemade hydrogen report
idhop2.zip I.D Hoping for fun and profit
incend.zip Incendiaries
insect.zip Having fun with insects,sparkers and Bugspray
ipecac.zip Ipecac: the anarchist's friend
irviewer.zip IR viewer plans
jehovah.zip Dealing with Jehovas witnesses
joyrvng.zip The joy of revenge Pt. 3
jrc.zip The jolly roger cookbook v2.0 800kb/166files H/P/A
ka.zip Info about KA radar
kanalx.zip Pirate T.V in eastern europe
killbrd2.zip How to crash a bulletin board
killdisk.zip Head Grinder: Preparing sandpaper disks
killshco.zip Ways to trash your school
kmart.zip KMart Survival Tactics for the unscrupulous
konfidie.zip Hemliga svenska radiofrekvenser
kor1.zip Skaffa korkort utan att kora upp
lafgas.zip Amuse yourself even when not funny
lard.zip How to beat the shit out of FAT people
latefun.zip Weekend night Terrorism
latenite.zip Late night phun
launcher.zip How to build a tennis ball launcher
letter.zip How to make a working letterbomb
lingo.zip Exotic military and geographic terms, code names etc.
livefree.zip 100 ways to disappear and live free
lodhtj3.zip LOD/H technical journal #3
lol.zip Classroom Anarchy
lookup.zip How to Look-Up Information on Anyone!
loompan.zip List of all the books you want, awesome!
m80-100.zip The art of making M-80 and M-100
mac.zip Mac Gyver's Anarchy #1-6
magik_1.zip Master anarchists giving illicit knowledge - volume 1
mallphun.zip Mall trashing Pt. 2
malls.zip Raising hell in a shopping mall
manhole.zip Hacking underground - literally - the man holes
manifsto.zip The Hacker's Manifesto.
mcdonald.zip How to terrorize Mc Donalds
mercful1.zip Mercury Fulminite
milsprv.zip Militära sprängämnen
milterms.zip More US Military codenames etc.
mil_call.zip US Military codenames and some freqs.
mine.zip Mines by PrimoPyro
miscrap3.zip Damage inc's misccrap III
monlawn.zip How to do Money Laundering
mormons.zip The mormone file
mradar.zip Modern Speeders Guide to Radar
nasties.zip A collection of nasties by PrimoPyro
neidorf.zip Neidorf Defence Fund
neighbou.zip How to terrorize the neighbourhood
neo-nazi.zip Interview with a neo-nazi
newone.zip Misc articles on Anarchy
nightvis.zip Night Vision, you can see at night
nitephun.zip Phun things to do on a boring night
nomercy.zip A guide for Anarchist
npatech1.zip NPA tech magazine
nrk10.zip How to get revenge on someone
nrk42.zip Terrorizing your neighbourhood
nrk54.zip Ways to sabotage your school Pt. 1
nrk66.zip How to have fun in K-Mart
nrk70.zip How to really piss of an wahlgreens
nrk71.zip Pissing off people in cars
nrk97.zip Pranks on your parents
nsa.zip National Security Anarchists vol 1, 1-4
nsa1.zip National Security Anarchists issue 1
nuis1.zip Being an public enemy of your neighbourhood
nuis2.zip Being an public enemy of your neighbourhood
nuis3.zip Being an public enemy of your neighbourhood
nukes.zip Info about nukes
nwoxand.zip Neo-nazi book review
p-cannon.zip Make your own potato cannon and propel a potato up to 1000 feet.
phate101.zip PHATE #1, phreaking & hacking magazine
phirst14.zip Phirst Amendment vol. 1 Issue #4
phlanx.zip Information over the Phalanx gatling gun
phst1_4.zip Phirst Amendment - Volume 1, Number 4
phunatdi.zip How to have phun at a dinner party
phuninth.zip Phun in movie theaters
piric.zip How to make Pyric Acid from aspirin
pisecret.zip Who is Mike Enlow? The story behind one private investigator.
pizzacal.zip Fun stuff to do to a pizza joint
pocflame.zip Make your own pocket flame thrower. Fuel: Diethyl Ether
pockrock.zip How to Build a Pocket Rocket
polis.zip Lista på alla polisbilar i Sverige!!!
polisfre.zip Polisfrekvenserna i Sverige
polissit.zip Polisens Situationskoder
pool.zip Things to do to someone else's pool
poolfun.zip Pool fun
postwar.zip Postwar occupation plans
ppa-2.zip PHA newsletter
ppwafone.zip Phucking Pholks with a fone
practica.zip Practical anarchy online magazine
prank.zip Prank, Revenge and general Mayhem
prankfix.zip Pranks by the Fixer
pranks1.zip Lots of phun phranks
pranks15.zip Hot phun in the summertime
pranks16.zip More phone pranks
pranks9.zip Revenge for every occasion
pratjoke.zip Practical Jokes
pressure.zip Preassure devices
printer.zip Printers and getting even
prudes.zip Prudes & Virgins digest
pyr1.zip About Chainletters
radarjam.zip Highway Radar Jamming
rage#1.zip Ruthless Anarchists getting even zine.
raisehel.zip Raising Hell Vol 1
readmail.zip How to read unopened mail
readme.zip How to mutate and take over the world
reality1.zip A reality check on anarchy - 1/2
reality2.zip A reality check on anarchy - 2/2
reloads.zip Shotgun Loads by PrimoPyro
resturph.zip How to have fun in restaurants
revenge!.zip Revenge: Don't get Mad - Get Even
revenge.zip How to get revenge on somebody
revenge1.zip The ten commandments of revenge
revenge2.zip Revenge, Freaky stuff
riflemic.zip Rifle Microphone
rippay.zip How to rip off payphones (upi)
robbanks.zip Robbing banks
robbing.zip Robbing houses by Video Vindicator
robbing1.zip Robbing Houses 1
robbing2.zip Robbing Houses 2
robbing3.zip Robbing Houses 3
rod001.zip Riders of Death Issue 1
rod002.zip Riders of Death Issue 2
rod003.zip Riders of Death Issue 3
rod004.zip Riders of Death Issue 4
rrg-1.zip Rebels' Riting Guild newsletter vol 1
rrg-mac.zip Mac Guyver's anarchy texts
sadist.zip Sadistic ideas
safestea.zip Stealing made easy
sanlist.zip Universal source list, many neat addresses
scam1.zip Scam mag #1: postage stamp scam
scam2.zip Scam Mag #2:
scam3.zip Scam mag #3: the myth of aids
scams.zip A collection of scams to raise money
scantron.zip Mastering the Scantron
school.zip The complete guide to school terror
school2.zip The school stopper's handbook
school3.zip How to go through school w/ a minimum of effort
scolhel1.zip School is Hell Pt.1
scolhel2.zip School is Hell Pt.2
scolhel3.zip School is Hell Pt.3
screw.zip How to fuck with peoples mind!
secrets.zip On-line investigations, Investigate by computer!
shortfil.zip A short file on the CIA
shuriken.zip The Ninja Warrior Presents: Shuriken
sickdeth.zip Death, the sick way
sinksub.zip How to sink a sub teacher
skippy.zip Ask the expert
slime.zip How to make slime
slowdth.zip Slow death
smokes.zip Smoke Formulas by PrimoPyro
snowanar.zip Anarchy in the snow
snowbox.zip How to build your own underground TV transmitter
spook.zip The Spook files, volume #1
spraypai.zip Fun with spray paint
sschools.zip List over Tactical Training schools Anti-Terrorism etc
ssn-info.zip The Social Security Number
ssn-stuf.zip More on Social Security Numbers
stench.zip Stenches for all - Kurt Saxon
stungun.zip How to make a stun gun
subway.zip How to scare people on the subway!
suprglue.zip The world's strongest glue. How to make it.
tactics.zip War tactics
targfun.zip The complete guide to K-mart and target fun
tbbom11.zip The Big Book of Mischief v1.1
tbbom13.zip The big book of MisChief v1.3
terbok.zip The Terrorists handbook!!
terorist.zip Terrorism
terrhbk.zip The Terrorist's Handbook & Cookbook
terror.zip The Terrorist's home/companion
terrors.zip Terrors to do on a boring night
thelib.zip The Library 1995-01-01, Stor och bra sammling av HPA filer
therm.zip Termite!
thermite.zip Thermite Incidiaries by PrimoPyro
thevende.zip The joys of an Vendetta
thrash.zip A guide to disruptive revolutionary tactics for High-schoolers
todo.zip Things to do when you are bored
torment.zip The Tormenter
tortrcat.zip Ways to torture a cat
tracing.zip Tracing made simple - Track'em down!!
tte.zip The terrorist encyclopedia v1.0a
tvh#1.zip The vandals handbook
tvjam.zip How to build a TV Jammer
undrwatr.zip Underwater igniters
unlaw1.zip The book of the unlawfuls 1
unlaw2.zip The book of the unlawfuls 2
uwdt1of6.zip Unconventional warfare, devices and tech#1
uwdt2of6.zip Unconventional warfare, devices and tech#2
v23.zip Virus 23 FAQsheet, Cyberpunk stuff
vandal.zip The vandals handbook
vend.zip Vending machines, issue #2
vendfun.zip Vending machine fun
verstell.zip Phun with versatellers
violence.zip Phun! with random senseless vandalism
vomitgas.zip How to make VomitGas by PrimoPyro
warfare1.zip Unconventional warfare #1
warfare2.zip Unconventional warfare #2
warrior.zip Axiom of a warrior
wartac.zip War tactics
warvoli.zip WAR! Vol I
warvolii.zip War! vol II
waterbed.zip How to have fun on a waterbed
weirdstf.zip Weird stuff source list
whistle.zip Whistleblowers survival handbook
wpos1.zip Worthless piece of shit, issue #1
wpos2.zip Worthless piece of shit, issue #2
wpos4.zip Worthless piece of shit, issue #4
writers.zip How to properly write an Anarchy file
wwg2.zip Warlord's Weekend warrior's guide, vol 2 Thermite
xllgnute.zip How to get X development tools for free
xmasfun.zip Anarchy in the Snow
yourbag.zip What you should have in you Anarchy Bag
lkpick.zip Lock picking
lkpickn.zip Picking combination locks
drillpik.zip How to drill a pin tumbler lock
burglar2.zip Techniques of burglar alarm bypassing Pt.2
burglar3.zip Techniques of burglar alarm bypassing Pt.3
combos.zip Figure out combination locks
dyrk.zip Hur du gör en dyrk
house.zip Breaking into houses and taking anything You want
lckpik.zip Lock picking by black cobra
lock1.zip How to pick master locks
lock2.zip Room entry: Lock picking techniques
lock3.zip Room entry and lock picking part II
lockimpr.zip How to impression a key locks
lockpik2.zip Guide to pick locks
locks1.zip Picking locks #1
lostkey.zip Hur man öppnar ett hänglås
masterlk.zip Master Combo Lock
miracle.zip Miracle lock-picking
ninja5.zip Lockpicking / room entry
picking.zip Open locks, doors, vending machine
sanlock1.zip The lockpicking series Pt.1
sanlock2.zip The lockpicking series Pt.2
sanlock3.zip The lockpicking series Pt.3
pickbref.zip Your briefcase opening pal
scilock.zip The science of picking locks
scrtlock.zip The secrets of lockpicking + GIF picture
lockpi1.zip Lockpicking
lockpi2.zip Lockpicking by Cobra
locksmit.zip Everything you wanted to know about Lock Smithing
picklock.zip How to pick locks
sanlock.zip The Art of Lockpicking v1.0
simplex1.zip Prints out all possible combos for Simplex locks
simplex2.zip A list of all Simplex combos
lockpic2.zip Guide to pick locks
combkey.zip Master key plans
comboloc.zip How to open master combination locks
lock.zip Lock picking
locks2.zip Lock Picking
locksci.zip The science of picking locks
lokpik1.zip Lock picking
mastlock.zip Mastering the masterlock
mrcllok.zip Miracle lock picking
newlocks.zip How to open new and modern locks
newpick1.zip Lockpicking manual
simplex.zip Simplex 5-button combination locks
cmbkeyrl.zip Renegade legion: masterkey file: by the gypsy
simplex3.zip Information On Simplex Locks
aa-ce&sj.zip Cheap explosives and sick jokes
acetoper.zip Manufacture of Acetone peroxide.
aditives.zip All you need to know about additives!
afpo.zip How to make AFPO blasting agent
akemi11.zip Avancerad Kemi v1.1
amatol.zip Amatol Production.
ammon.zip How to make Ammompulver.
ana1.zip Kemi för alla!!
anfo1.zip Bombing
anfop.zip How to make ANFO+
anrky01.zip Pyro files
aoa-2.zip How to make a tennis ball bomb
aoa-bgre.zip How to build grenades
aspirin.zip How to make explosives out of aspirin
astrolit.zip Astrolite and sodium chlorate explosives
atoday1.zip Poison gas bomb
atombom.zip Atomic bomb construction
backwood.zip Pyro Joe's hot flashes
badmind1.zip Dr. Badmind's chemistry files
badmind2.zip Dr. Badmind's chemistry files
iodine.zip Explosive fun with iodine
kipe.zip Kitchen Improvised Plastic Explosives
peroxide.zip How to make Acetone Peroxide explosives.
badmind3.zip Dr. Badmind's chemistry files
badmind4.zip Dr. Badmind's chemistry files
balloon.zip Making an hindenburg bomb
black51.zip The improvised munition black book, part 1
black52.zip The improvised munition black book, part 2
chemburn.zip How to treat chemical burns
chemist1.zip Chemist corner #1
chlorate.zip Chlorate and PerChlorate explsosives
demoli1.zip Demolition Article #1
demoli2.zip Demolition Article #2
demolit.zip Explosives and demolition from the Army field manual
demolit1.zip Explosive info
aa-power.zip Powerful Pipebombs
demolit2.zip Electronic terrorism
demolit3.zip Explosive info
black53.zip The improvised munitation black book, part 3
blastgel.zip The best blasting gelignite
bomb.zip How to make a Bomb
bomb1.zip The anarchy disk
bomben!.zip A german text about explosives
bombers.zip Lots of anarchy stuff
bombs-1.zip Lots of anarchy stuff
bombs-2.zip Lots of anarchy stuff
bombs.zip Do it your self Poison S bomb
bombs1.zip Home grown explosive file #1
bop.zip The first book of pyromaniacs
bottle.zip Super bottle rockets
c4.zip Info on the plastic explosive C-4
carbide.zip All about Calcium Carbide
carboom.zip Simple way to make a car go boom!
carbtet.zip Carbon tet explosives
cau001.zip Comp. Anarchists Underground Tfile #001
cau002.zip Comp. Anarchists Underground Tfile #002
cau003.zip Comp. Anarchists Underground Tfile #003
chem.zip Chemicals and their equivalents
chemclas.zip Chemistry Class
chemcor1.zip Chemist's corner, #1, Explosives
chemcor2.zip Chemist's corner, #1, Household chemicals
chemequi.zip Chemical equivalency list
chemical.zip Chemical Igniters
chemisty.zip Yet another bombfile
chems1.zip Kitchen Chemical Equivalencies
chmcrr12.zip Explosives recipes
chmcrr22.zip Household explosives
cnnplm.zip Napalm made easy
cokebom.zip How to do a coke bomb
recept2.zip Sprängmedelsrecept
conpetn.zip Concealing PETN.
d-brew.zip Deadly Brew, explosives
delay1.zip Electrical Delays by PrimoPyro
detpetn.zip Detonating PETN.
diskbmb.zip Disk bomb
divboom.zip Lots of good bomb recipes
draino.zip Draino bomb
e-zdestr.zip E-Z destruction, landmines and more
easy.zip Hur man gör en islänning
easyanar.zip Notes on homemade rocket, bombs and launchers
elecfun.zip Fun with capacitors and thermistors
explo.zip Nitroglycerin & trotyl & sprängdeg
explode.zip The big book of chemical
explode2.zip Huge collection of explosives
explos1.zip Making Thermite
explos2.zip Explosives
explosiv.zip Explosives
expman1.zip Explosive info
expman4.zip Iodine Crystals
expman5.zip More fun stuff for terrorists
expman6.zip Smokebomb
expman7.zip The jug band bomb
expman8.zip Mace substitute
expman9.zip Explosives
farligt.zip Diverse pyro recept och pyro tips
femfep.zip Field expedients methods for explosives preparation
fireball.zip Fireballs
firelog.zip Fire log incendiary.
flamthrw.zip How to make your own phlamethrower
flash.zip Flash powders
frwrks.zip Pyrotechnic's tips an tricks
fuelgel.zip Different ways to make gelled fuel.
fuse.zip How to make fuses 1
fuse2.zip How to make fuses 2
fuses.zip Fuse ignition bomb
generale.zip Explosives
goodexpl.zip Explosives and incendiaries
hanabi.zip Fireworks
harmless.zip Harmless bombs
hbomb.zip Making an H-bomb
hbomb2.zip How to go about making an H-bomb
impact.zip Frictional impact explosives
impexplo.zip Plastic explosive from Aspirin
int_pyro.zip A txt about pyrotechnics/explosives
iodinecr.zip Iodine Crystals, unstable explosives
jakpot.zip How to make various bombs
kimppl1.zip Kitchen improvised plastic explosives #1
kimppl2.zip Kitchen improvised plastic explosives #2
kimppl3.zip Kitchen improvised plastic explosives #3
kimppl4.zip Kitchen improvised plastic explosives #4
kipe2.zip Kitchen improvised plastic explosives II
kno3.zip How to recover saltpeter from soil
krut.zip En txt om hur man tillverkar svartkrut.
letbomb.zip Hot to make a working letter-bomb
lowgrade.zip Low grade explosives
m-80fact.zip How to open your own M-80 factory
m100.zip The art of making M-80 and M-100 guns
m500.zip How to make fireworks
miltexpl.zip Military explosives info
minigren.zip Mini grenades
miss5.zip Text from "Chemistry of powder and explosives"
miss6.zip Explosives and incendaries.
monitbom.zip Make a bomb out of your monitor!
mtchbmb.zip How to make a match-head mini bomb
nacid.zip Nitrid Acid
naneexp.zip Nitric Acid / Nitroethane Explosive.
napalm.zip Making napalm
nitro1.zip Nitrogylcerin
nti.zip Nitrogen Tri-Iodide
old_msgs.zip Explosives recipies
outlaw.zip Great anarchy stuff
petn.zip Improvised petn. agent orange
pillbomb.zip Pill bottle bombs
pipebo1.zip How to make pipebombs - 1/3
pipebo2.zip How to make pipebombs - 2/3
pipebo3.zip How to make pipebombs - 3/3
plastexp.zip How to make plastic explosives
plastiqu.zip How to make plastique from bleach
pluton.zip Plutonium challenge, names & addresses
powdrgun.zip Gun Powder
prop1.zip Composite Rocket Fuels by PrimoPyro
pyro.zip Pyro book III
pyro01.zip The Pyromaniac's guide to family entertainment, vol I
pyro02.zip The Pyromaniac's guide to family entertainment, vol II
pyro03.zip The Pyrotechnic's guide to explosives pt. 2
pyro04.zip The Pyrotechnic's guide to explosives pt. 3
pyro1.zip Preparation of contact explosives
pyro2.zip Touch paper, self igniting mixtures, Percussion explosives
pyro3.zip Stars, flares and color mixtures
pyro4.zip Casing and general constructions part 1
pyro5.zip Pyro, casing and general construction
pyrocap.zip A txt about pyro.
pyrofaq.zip Pyrotechnics FAQ
pyromag.zip Two Pyro Technology magazines
pyromani.zip The first book of Pyromaniacs
pyropc.zip Mixed pyrofiles
pyros.zip The real pyros guide
pyrostuf.zip Huge archive with Pyrotech. stuff
pyrosve.zip Svenska tips om sprängämnen
pyro_art.zip En teoretisk artikel om pyrotekniska fenomen och fakta.
radiobom.zip How to make a radio bomb
recept3.zip Många recept på pyrotekniska blandningar.
rocket.zip Home built rocket engines
rrg-bomb.zip Beginners explosives
rrg-ntro.zip Nitrocellulose + more
sdninc.zip Sawdust-Diesel-Naphtalene Incendiary.
semtex.zip Info on the plastic explosive Semtex H.
shitbomb.zip Shit-Bomb
snkbom.zip How to make the smelliest stink-bomb of all
spraeng.zip Nitroglycerin & trotyl & sprängdeg
sprv1_00.zip Diverse sprängämnen
ss10-001.zip Svensk standard v1.o - 001 (acetonperoxid) av hexor.
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stubin.zip Bomulls krut & stubintråd
sullivan.zip How to make Sullivanite.
teargas.zip Tear gas from Kurt Saxon
tennis.zip Tennis ball impact bombs made easy
terror2.zip The Terrorist Handbook
texasins.zip Nitric Acid bombs
thepyrob.zip Pyro book III
tngu.zip Manufacture of the explosive TNGU
tnt.zip How to make TNT
toilet.zip The toilet bomb
unstable.zip Unstable explosives
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smth_cr2.zip Smooth criminal #2
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altboom.zip How to blow up a car
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carfun2.zip Still more fun with cars
carfun3.zip More fun with cars
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blowgun2.zip How to make blowgun
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